Monday 19 September 2022

Camp Lejeune Water Lawsuits

Information on Camp Lejeune Justice Act Claims for Veterans and their Families

Over the course of four decades, contaminated drinking water at North Carolina’s U.S. Marine Core Base Camp Lejeune put hundreds of thousands of people at risk for cancer and other serious illnesses. Between 1953 and 1987, two of the eight wells at Camp Lejeune were contaminated with harmful chemicals known to cause cancer and other severe illnesses. These wells supplied contaminated drinking water to children at daycare or school, to military families for drinking and bathing, to patients in the hospital, and to servicemembers and civilian workers in their place of employment. Fifteen different illnesses and medical conditions including several types of cancer, reproductive problems, birth defects, and Parkinson’s disease have been linked to Camp Lejeune water contamination.

Camp Lejeune water contamination impacted thousands of families who were dedicated to serving their country, causing undue suffering, severe illness, permanent disability, and loss. The U.S. government has been slow to bring justice to families affected by Camp Lejeune cancer. For decades, persons who lived and worked on Camp Lejeune were unaware of their exposure to toxic chemicals through Camp Lejeune water contamination. Access to medical care for Camp Lejeune water illnesses was finally granted to all Veterans for qualifying medical conditions in 2012. But through the decades, victims of Camp Lejeune water contamination were prevented by law from filing a claim against the Marines and therefore had no recourse for their suffering.

If you are already receiving medical benefits or other compensation from the V.A. for Camp Lejeune water, you still qualify for filing a claim under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act.

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act gives families harmed by Camp Lejeune water contamination the right to file a claim for the first time. Thousands of Veterans and their family members who were unknowingly exposed to benzene, industrial solvents and other harmful chemicals through Camp Lejeune drinking water can file a claim against the U.S. Government. Filing a Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuit is the only means individuals and families have to obtain the compensation they deserve for suffering, damages, and loss related to Camp Lejeune cancer.

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act enables Veterans and their family members harmed by Camp Lejeune water contamination to seek damages by filing a claim against the Marines. If you or a loved one was harmed by Camp Lejeune water contamination, contact our firm today to learn about your legal options.

Camp Lejeune Water Lawsuits

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act enables Veterans and family members who have suffered from Camp Lejeune water contamination to seek compensation through filing Camp Lejeune water lawsuits. Individuals who match this description are eligible for free, no-obligation case reviews with an attorney handling national Camp Lejeune water lawsuits. Lawyers handling Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuits work on contingency, meaning you will never pay legal fees unless we win compensation for you. Read full Camp Lejeune water lawsuit information from attorneys handling claims from plaintiffs nationwide.

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