RoboForex – Professional services on Forex market Which do you prefer, Gold or silver?

Which do you prefer, Gold or silver?

lots of precious stones and semi precious stones have been and is still being used to make Jewelry. Jewelry which is made with gemstones, shell, bead and precious metals such as gold and silver is used in many occasions. Jewelries such as necklace, rings, anklets, earrings etc is used in many occasions. Most people use it as a form of dowry while some use it as a form of ornament, etc. Whatever purpose it is used for, people always have preferences when it comes to what their Jewelry is made of. Most people prefer gold, some silver, others diamond or pearl etc. Whatever their preferences are, there is always a reason why they choose one above the other. When it comes to a choice of Jewelry, a person's personality, attractiveness, and interest comes to play. Now let's look at a case study of gold and silver. Some say that Gold is mostly accumulated over time as gifts by family or in the form of small pieces for investment, that Gold is still considered a primary form of investment in the country and that's why gold is preferred to silver. Some are of the opinion that people like and wear both silver and gold depending on the designs, and occasions they want to wear it to. Most people are of the opinion that Since times have changed, that, people are more interested in jewelry that is easy to carry for them and does not require much investment and can go with every outfit, so Instead of using gold, people are most interested in precious and semi precious jewelry and that in no doubt, silver is the most attractive option in jewelry. Certain people are of the opinion that the choice of Jewelry should be decided based on a person's skin complexions and personal style. This set of people claim that Gold generally suits darker complexions better and silver suits lighter complexions better. They say that While Some people can pull off either, it also depends on a person's outfit. Others think that the choice of gold or silver Jewelry is cultural. They said Some cultures consider gold the ultimate and it is also considered to be part of the woman’s dowry. While Other cultures use a lot of silver, partially because that is what was always readily available in their part of the the world. Most people feel that Other people choose whichever they prefer because they like the way it looks on their skin." I have always preferred silver. Silver looks better against my skin. Gold looks better on other people. Believe it or not, some people wear copper beautifully!" another opined. A Jeweler dealer who makes jewelry and do art shows said she had noticed that her gold case pulls people in, but her silver case sells best. That is because of the difference in prices. She said she has started mixing gold and silver. "People love the combination because they can wear it with everything! Now that I am mixing the metals, I am wearing more silver and gold mixes myself!" She said Some say that nowadays more people prefer wearing the silver jewelry to gold jewellery. They say Silver Jewelry is less expensive to gold jewellery and many trendy designs comes in silver. So one can afford to wear it with his/her outfits and look fashionable too.
Others say It completely depends on personal preference but it also depends on what the person is wearing it with. When it comes to gold and silver Jewelry, the preference of one against the other goes on and on. Which one do you prefer, silver or gold?

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